Equipping the Saints...
God called Samuel Odoh to empower believers to succeed and fulfil the Great Commission with the help of the Holy Spirit.
His passion is to mobilize and equip an army of believers from all walks of life, who will win the lost, make disciples and transform nations with the word of God. This is the ‘Dominion Commission’ given to him by God.
Sam uses every medium available to me to take the word of faith to people. He writes books and pamphlets
and distribute most of them free of charge around the world. He organizes and teaches in conferences, seminars, and Bible studies.
Many from over 73 countries have been blessed by his podcast.
A very crucial part of Sam’s ministry is helping ministers of the Gospel succeed.
He works with pastors to develop systems and structures to keep their churches healthy and growing. He helps train their leaders and equip members of their congregation to become effective in personal evangelism and discipleship.
Sam was trained for ministry in the Anglican Communion, David Oyedepo Ministries International, the Faith Group founded by Andre and Jenny Roebert, and several other ministries.
He is happily married to Ndiliseka, and they serve God’s people together.
Anointed to strengthen churches
God anointed Sam to strengthen churches and ministers, and he has been actively involved in doing so around the world through several media and materials.
Do you want me to come and be a blessing to your ministry?
Over the years, I have been involved in helping pastors and ministers become more effective in their calling, and also help believers discover their place in God.